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  如果匹配元素的父级元素有bar样式类名,这个例子将为<div class="foo">元素切换 happy 样式类; 否则他将切换 sad 样式类 。
  Example: 当点击段落的是有切换 'highlight' 样式类
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  p { margin: 4px; font-size:16px; font-weight:bolder;
  cursor:pointer; }
  .blue { color:blue; }
  .highlight { background:yellow; }
  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
  <p class="blue">Click to toggle</p>
  <p class="blue highlight">highlight</p>
  <p class="blue">on these</p>
  <p class="blue">paragraphs</p>
  $("p").click(function () {
  Example: 每当第三次点击段落的时候添加 "highlight" 样式类, 第一次和第二次点击的时候移除 "highlight" 样式类
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  p { margin: 4px; font-size:16px; font-weight:bolder;
  cursor:pointer; }
  .blue { color:blue; }
  .highlight { background:red; }
  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
  <p class="blue">Click to toggle (<span>clicks: 0</span>)</p>
  <p class="blue highlight">highlight (<span>clicks: 0</span>)</p>
  <p class="blue">on these (<span>clicks: 0</span>)</p>
  <p class="blue">paragraphs (<span>clicks: 0</span>)</p>
  var count = 0;
  $("p").each(function() {
  var $thisParagraph = $(this);
  var count = 0;
  $thisParagraph.click(function() {
  $thisParagraph.find("span").text('clicks: ' + count);
  $thisParagraph.toggleClass("highlight", count % 3 == 0);
  Example: Toggle the class name(s) indicated on the buttons for each div.
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  .wrap > div { float: left; width: 100px; margin: 1em 1em 0 0;
  padding=left: 3px; border: 1px solid #abc; }
  div.a { background-color: aqua; }
  div.b { background-color: burlywood; }
  div.c { background-color: cornsilk; }
  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
  <div class="buttons">
  <button class="a">toggle a</button>
  <button class="a b">toggle a b</button>
  <button class="a b c">toggle a b c</button>
  <a href="#">reset</a>
  <div class="wrap">
  <div class="b"></div>
  <div class="a b"></div>
  <div class="a c"></div>
  var cls = ['', 'a', 'a b', 'a b c'];
  var divs = $('div.wrap').children();
  var appendClass = function() {
  divs.append(function() {
  return '<div>' + (this.className || 'none') + '</div>';
  $('button').bind('click', function() {
  var tc = this.className || undefined;
  $('a').bind('click', function(event) {
  divs.empty().each(function(i) {
  this.className = cls[i];


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CSS教程文章修订日期:2018-08-14 17:37 原创:DIVCSS5
本文www.divcss5.com DIVCSS5版权所有。